Her life...

1775 Saturday, December 16th: Jane Austen is born at Steventon rectory. Her parents were George and Cassandra Austen. She is the seventh child and second daughter behind brothers James, George, Charles, Francis, Henry, Edward and sister Cassandra.


       The Austen family tree                                                    The Austen Family

1785-1786: Jane and Cassandra arrive at the Abbey School in Reading. Jane and Cassandra arrive back home from school, having completed their formal education.


                     Jane Austen' s house                                                Reading

1798:   Jane completes her revisions of Elinor and Marianne. The revision removed the epistolary point of view and stages the story more in the 3rd person. 23     Begins work on Northanger Abbey though initially known as Susan and later Catherine .



                   Jane Austen the writer                              Portrait of Jane Austen:

1802: Thursday, December 2nd: Jane Austen receives her only proposal of marriage from Harris Bigg-Wither, an unattractive Oxford educated young man and childhood friend and heir to a large family estate. Jane accepts the proposal for practical reasons. The very next day, however, Jane withdraws her acceptance, feeling it to be a mistake.  


                   Harris Bigg Wither                                   Manydown Park, H.B. Wither's home                 

1805 Monday, January 21st: Jane's father George Austen dies suddenly from illness taking the family by surprise. Jane consciously stops work on The Watsons. The Austen brothers agree to help support the mother and sisters. The Austen girls are forced to rent living quarters.

   George Austen

1811: Sense & Sensibility is published by Thomas Egerton with Henry Austen acting as literary agent. The novel is greeted with favorable reviews.

1813: Pride & Prejudice is published by Thomas Egerton with Henry Austen acting as literary agent. Thanks to a large amount of resources put into advertising the piece, the novel is an instant success. 

1814: Mansfield Park is Published by Thomas Egerton. Largely ignored by professional reviewers, the novel is nonetheless another success to the public square. The first edition sells out in a short six months.

1815: Jane is invited to admirer Prince Regent's London residence at Carolton House by his librarian, James Stanier Clarke. The Prince makes a mention that Jane should include him in the dedicated of her next work despite her (private) disgust of his moral character. With little choice, she reluctantly agrees to do so. Emma is published by John Murray. The book is well received and sales thrive. The novel is dedicated to the Prince.


                  Prince Regent                                              J. Austen by James Stanier Clarke

1817: Despite completing some 12 chapters of The Brothers, Jane is forced to stop due to her ever-increasing illness. Walking becomes a chore and nothing can be done without great difficulty and loss of energy.

Jane's illness ultimately confines the author to her bed. Jane pens a short will. Cassandra takes Jane to Winchester for treatment.

On Friday, July 18th Jane Austen dies in Winchester during the early part of the day.

1870: Nephew James Austen publishes his memoirs entitled "A Memoir of the Life of Jane Austen" and brings Jane Austen's life and works to a greater audience, solidifying her place in history.


           "A Memoir of the Life of Jane Austen"                         Memorial in WInchester Cathedral