What is Stress?

Stress has been described as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them”.  Although stress itself is not a disease, it is recognized that excessive or prolonged stress can be a cause of mental and physical illness.

It is important to understand that while stress is necessary and positive, it can also be negative and harmful. Figure 1 shows the general relationship between the level of stress and the level of performance. Whether positive or negative, physical or mental, the body’s reaction to stress can be described by three stages:

Alarm Reaction Stage: - the body identifies and first reacts to the stress. In this stage the body first releases hormones that help in the defense against the stressor.

Resistance Stage: - the body continues to resist the stressors as they persist. If the stressors continue and there is a consistent state of resistance, there is potential to move into the third and final stage.

Exhaustion Stage: - the body and mind are no longer able to make the necessary adjustments to resist the stressors and there is physical and/or mental exhaustion.